Further research (Chair of Digital Industrial Service Systems)
Funding source: Volkswagen Stiftung
Data-driven analysis, benchmarking, and coordination of European IS-curricula
In the pastcouple of years, digital technologies and information systems have becomeincreasingly pervasive in almost every part of life and the economy. Theassociated implications are widespread and lead to the emergence of a varietyof multifaceted phenomena, from increasing psychological strains of adolescentsbecause of social media, to the more efficient monitoring and execution ofbusiness processes in…
Funding source: Stiftungen
Project leader: Christoph Küffner, Christopher Münch, Emanuel Marx
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Project leader: Martin Matzner
Today, we observe the emergence and proliferation of networks in almost all aspects of professional and private life as parts of a shift towards a Networked Society. DeuBraNet 2011 provides a platform for inter-disciplinary discussions and presentations of Brazilian and German researchers that study networks in business and public administration as well as social networks to mere the understanding of the Networked Society and to identify prospects for future research. The DeuBraNet 2011 is funded…
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Does IT at Work have to $#!& or How Can We Create Better IT Experiences?: A Call to Study Digital Employee Experiences
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On the Disappearance of the Metaverse: Three Scenarios for the Future
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Proceedings of the 2020 on Computers and People Research Conference (SIGMIS-CPR'20). (New York, NY, USA,)
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Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) (Hyderabad, Indien)
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From Technical Product Training to Sustainable Education for Students — A Strategic Alliance Approach to Applied MOOCs
EMOOCs 2019 (Naples, 20. May 2019 - 22. May 2019)
In: Proceedings of Work in Progress Papers of the Research, Experience and Business Tracks at EMOOCs 2019 2019
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