
On the 23.01.2019, the guest reading about Digital Twins, Robotc Process Automation and  opportunities and possibilities of Process Mining in collaboration with Lars Reinkemeyer of Siemens AG took place at FAU. We say thanks to the speaker for the interesting new insights to all aspects of the field...

Category: General

As part of your course „Process Analytics” today we had a guest lecture by Adidas Digital Services Hub. The speakers told us about Adidas’ journey to a service-driven IT organization especially in the context of digitalization of business processes. Different technologies for business process automa...

Category: General

Save the date: On the 23rd of january 2019, we will be holding a guest reading with Lars Reinkemeyer, Global Process Mining Lead (Siemens), focussing on Process Mining, Digital Twin Organizations and Robotic Process Automation. 11:30 - 13:00, Lange Gasse, room 0.423

Category: General, Teaching

Another meeting of the research project "AutoCop" was held on the 19.11.2018 at the headquarters of APE Engineering GmbH in Niedernberg. The main focus hereby was put on the Industy 4.0 Demonstrator, which had successfully been put into operation by APE.

Category: General