Our article has been published in “Technological Forecasting and Social Change”

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We are very pleased to announce that our latest research article, “Capabilities of digital servitization: Evidence from the socio-technical systems theory”, on digital servitization and smart product-service systems (PSS) has been published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

For the study, the Chair of Digital Industrial Service Systems teamed up with the Chair of Supply Chain Management. Together, Christopher Münch, Emanuel Marx, Lukas Benz, Evi Hartmann, and Martin Matzner investigated what capabilities a company needs to develop in digital servitization to offer a smart PSS and how these can be structured into systemic thinking. For this purpose, we conducted an exploratory multiple case study in the manufacturing industry (a total of 24 interviews with a duration of 1165 minutes) and grounded our identified results in the socio-technical system perspective, taking into account social, technological, and environmental aspects.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change is one of the most impactful journals in the technology and innovation management community. You can read the open-access article here.