Our chair at the WI2020 in Potsdam

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From the 07th to 11th of March, 2020, Prof. Dr. Martin Matzner and the chair team attended the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2020), together with colleagues from the Schöller Endowed Chair (Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer).

At the Doctoral Consortium there, participating PhD students were given the opportunity to further develop their dissertation project through coaching and feedback from experienced professors. From our chair, Prof. Dr. Martin Matzner and Sandra Zilker were part of the organizational team for the Doctoral Consortium. Sven Weinzierl presented his dissertation topic there.

At the main conference our team was represented with several contributions. As part of the track “Digital Transformation & Business Models 1”, Emanuel Marx presented the paper “From Services to Smart Services: From Services to Smart Services: Can Service Engineering Methods get Smarter as well?”.

In the session on “Enterprise Systems, IT-Consulting & Enterprise Modeling” Sven Weinzierl presented the paper “Closing the Gap between Smart Manufacturing Applications and Data Management“.

And in the course of the PaperJam, participants had the opportunity to present their short papers to the audience. Here, Sven Weinzierl presented the paper “From predictive to prescriptive process monitoring: Recommending the next best actions instead of calculating the next most likely events“.

We are especially proud of our two students, Julia Hindel and Lena Cabrera, who received the Best Student Practice Paper Award for their student track contribution “Robotic Process Automation: Hype or Hope? The two students wrote the paper together with Matthias Stierle as part of the seminar on Robotic Process Automation.

We would like to thank the event team of the University of Potsdam very much for organizing this event.